Wednesday, December 5, 2012

The One About An App

I don't usually blog about iPad apps, but today, I want to share this one. And it'll take more than a Facebook post, so I'm posting here. :)

   I found an app called iallowance. Matt and I looked it over and decided it was worth the $4 to try it out. I love it!  In this app you can create a profile for each child. Under that profile you can make a list of all the chores that child has. You can put the chores on a rotating basis, which is great for me because I rotate the kids through chores every 4 weeks. You can choose if the chores are rewarded with stars or with $. If they are rewarded with stars, you can have those stars go to a bigger reward. For example, when my kids earn 100 stars, they get a special day  :)

   You can  also keep track of their allowance on this. It reminds me of online banking. You can set up as many banks as you want.  I set up a savings, spending and tithe bank for each of the kids. I entered the amount of their weekly allowance and split it between the banks. 10% to tithe, 25% to savings and the rest goes into spending $.

    The last awesome thing is that you can set up a negative "chore"that they need to work on doing better at and they will get negative points if they do it wrong. That doesn't make much sense... For example, I have one child who leaves the door open all the time. So I set it up so that when he leaves the door open, it deducts .10 from his spending money.

   I've had an iPod for a year and an iPad for 8 mos & this is the first time I've gotten really excited about an app. Talk about making my life easier!  It keeps track of chores and allowance for me!  And the kids like it so far. (Except the deducting $ part.)


Jim Spencer said...

Wow! Thanks for the wonderful post about my iAllowance app.

Jim Spencer
Jump Gap Software

Anonymous said...

Well, it's a great app! Thanks for making it. :) We love it here.