Saturday, January 31, 2009

The One With Showers of Blessings

I have this song running through my head this morning, "There will be showers of blessings falling on you. Showers of blessings falling on you... so let the blessings fall." It's from the children's Bible Songs CD that we listen to every time we're in the car.

I realize how true that is for us right now. Because this is a public journal I don't want to share too much, but I just want to say that we're been very blessed from unexpected sources & from our tax refund this year. THe Lord is providing for us in ways we didn't anticipate. :)

And our other blessings that are not monetary: our children. I've been thinking lately how truly blessed we are to have 5 healthy, wonderful children who also love the Lord and are growing in Him daily. :)

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